a handful of ambitious biofuel and algae production startups have decided to put their product into every segment imaginable—we're talking about putting algae in your makeup, your protein supplements, and even your medication. …
Algae discovery reveals origin of sexes
recent discovery in the multicellular green alga, Volvox carteri,has revealed the origin of male and female sexes, showing how they evolved from a more primitive mating system in a unicellular relative.…
作者:李峰(廣東海洋大學) 為了課題研究,有的時候我們需要從國外藻種庫購買一些藻種。境外購藻通常有兩種方式,一種是通過熟人回國的時候帶回來;另一種就是網購。通常情況下,網購是最常用,最有效的。鑒于我自己有2次網購的經歷,現在我把我的經驗分享給大家,希望能為大家提供一些參考,如果有不妥的地方還請大家批評指正,同時也希望大家能夠把自己的經驗分享出來,幫助更多的人。 1.?捷克藻種庫CCALA 捷克藻種 […]…
Super Algae Discovered which makes Green Oil
Halifax-based Ocean Nutrition Canada is the world’s largest supplier of Omega-3 fatty acid supplements and was researching ways of making Omega-3 fatty acids using algae when they accidentally s […]…
美國NCGR和海洋微生物咨詢委員會(Marine Microbial Initiative advisory committee)從世界各地選定了一些研究人員,挑選了跨越兩百種種屬的700種藻類,進行轉錄組測序。…
Algae.Tec近日宣布,通過Patersons證券公司(Patersons Securities Limite) 進行的5百萬澳元配股現已成功完成。這筆籌資將用于快速推進近日所公布的幾個商業項目。 Algae.Tec執行主席Roger Stroud表示,公司對這次籌資極為高興。 “這再次顯示資深投資者一致看好替代交通燃料技術的需求,諸如Algae.Tec將海藻轉為生物燃料的封閉式解決方案這樣的 […]…